.NET オーディオ/MIDIライブラリ「NAudio」 を使って、C#言語でイコライザを作ります。なお、開発環境はVisual Studio 2013 ExpressでWindows 7 Proです。
NAudioライブラリは「naudio/NAudio」から「NAudio-Release.zip」をダウンロードし、解凍したライブラリを、Visual Studio 2013 Expressの「参照の追加」によりプロジェクトに追加します。
イコライザソフトは、デモコード「NAudio/NAudioWpfDemo/EqualizationDemo/」を参照して作成します。デモソフトはWPF上で動作し、今回はWindows Formで動作します。
- 17行目から24行目はイコライザの部分で、それぞれの周波数のゲインを指定します。
- 32行目で再生したいファイル名「sample.wav」を指定します。再生したいファイル名を「sample.wav」として実行フォルダに設定してください。
using NAudio.Dsp; using NAudio.Wave; public partial class Form1 : Form { private AudioFileReader reader; private IWavePlayer player; private Equalizer equalizer; private string selectedFile; private readonly EqualizerBand[] bands; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); bands = new EqualizerBand[] { new EqualizerBand {Bandwidth = 0.8f, Frequency = 100, Gain =17}, new EqualizerBand {Bandwidth = 0.8f, Frequency = 200, Gain =7}, new EqualizerBand {Bandwidth = 0.8f, Frequency = 400, Gain =3}, new EqualizerBand {Bandwidth = 0.8f, Frequency = 800, Gain =4}, new EqualizerBand {Bandwidth = 0.8f, Frequency = 1200, Gain = -1}, new EqualizerBand {Bandwidth = 0.8f, Frequency = 2400, Gain = -3}, new EqualizerBand {Bandwidth = 0.8f, Frequency = 4800, Gain = 7}, new EqualizerBand {Bandwidth = 0.8f, Frequency = 9600, Gain = -13}, }; } private void buttonPlay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { selectedFile = "sample.wav"; reader = new AudioFileReader(selectedFile); equalizer = new Equalizer(reader, bands); player = new WaveOutEvent(); player.Init(equalizer); player.Play(); } }
class Equalizer : ISampleProvider { /// <summary> /// Basic example of a multi-band eq /// uses the same settings for both channels in stereo audio /// Call Update after you've updated the bands /// Potentially to be added to NAudio in a future version /// </summary> class Equalizer : ISampleProvider { private readonly ISampleProvider sourceProvider; private readonly EqualizerBand[] bands; private readonly BiQuadFilter[,] filters; private readonly int channels; private readonly int bandCount; private bool updated; public Equalizer(ISampleProvider sourceProvider, EqualizerBand[] bands) { this.sourceProvider = sourceProvider; this.bands = bands; channels = sourceProvider.WaveFormat.Channels; bandCount = bands.Length; filters = new BiQuadFilter[channels, bands.Length]; CreateFilters(); } private void CreateFilters() { for (int bandIndex = 0; bandIndex < bandCount; bandIndex++) { var band = bands[bandIndex]; for (int i = 0; i < channels; i++) { if (filters[i, bandIndex] == null) filters[i, bandIndex] = BiQuadFilter.PeakingEQ(sourceProvider.WaveFormat.SampleRate, band.Frequency, band.Bandwidth, band.Gain); else filters[i, bandIndex].SetPeakingEq(sourceProvider.WaveFormat.SampleRate, band.Frequency, band.Bandwidth, band.Gain); } } } public void Update() { updated = true; CreateFilters(); } // public WaveFormat WaveFormat => sourceProvider.WaveFormat; public WaveFormat WaveFormat { get { return sourceProvider.WaveFormat; } } public int Read(float[] buffer, int offset, int count) { int samplesRead = sourceProvider.Read(buffer, offset, count); if (updated) { CreateFilters(); updated = false; } for (int sample = 0; sample <samplesRead; sample++) { int ch = sample % channels; for (int band = 0; band < bandCount; band++) { buffer[offset + sample] = filters[ch, band].Transform(buffer[offset + sample]); } } return samplesRead; } }
class EqualizerBand { public float Frequency { get; set; } public float Gain { get; set; } public float Bandwidth { get; set; } }
「Play」ボタンを押すと、sample.wavファイルが再生されます。イコライザの定義の「new EqualizerBand {Bandwidth = 0.8f, Frequency = 100, Gain =17}」のゲインを上げて再生すると低音が響きます。イコライザの定義「 new EqualizerBand {Bandwidth = 0.8f, Frequency = 9600, Gain = -13}」のゲインを上げて再生すると高音が響きます